The facilities of druckwerk are available for external activities such as workshops, courses, exhibitions and events.
The weekend under the direction of Sven Wohlgemuth was intense and full of new experiences. All ten participants benefited from his great knowledge.
From 3 to 28 of July 2019, Edition/Basel was guest at druckwerk.
From July 18 to August 12, 2018 Edition/Basel was a guest at druckwerk.
Artists from Armenia, Chile, Finland, Canada, Spain, Turkey, the USA and Switzerland used the druckwerkt for twelve days each as an experimental print laboratory.
Following an initial group-building process, the concept and title of the joint exhibition were developed on the first day of the project. After that artists printed individually or in collaboration. It was exhibited in the first session in the Papiermühle museum Basel, and in the second session at Kaskadenkondensator Warteck Basel.
The opening of the first session took place in the Kaskadenkondensator Basel on 14 July 2017.
The opening of the second session took place on 28 July 2017 in the Papiermühle Basel.
Organizers: Megan Adie und Margarit Lehmann
An der Liste Art Fair 2016 gastierte die Kunsthalle Zürich im druckwerk. Unter dem Titel "RATZ FATZ ZAUBER WAS – Fairs and Fairy Tales" wurden auf den in skulpturale Wesen verwandelten Druckpressen über 200 Kinderbücher der 70er Jahre präsentiert.
Kaskadenkondensator | Friday, July 22 | Warteck PP Basel
13 international artists and a film maker (from Australia, England, Japan, Germany, Indien, Cuba, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the US) presented works on a common theme, completed during the 5th annual Print Residency at druckwerk studio in Basel, Switzerland.